As organizations representing tech communities across the country, we release the following statement in response to the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

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Tech community response to insurrection at the Capitol


We support democracy.

We support voter and civil rights.

We support human rights.

We condemn any effort—violent or otherwise—to denigrate our nation’s democratic institutions.

We stand with the many leaders who have called for President Trump to immediately be removed from office.

We, the undersigned members of the tech community, feel compelled to join with countless others who repudiate violence and are calling for an end to divisiveness and conspiracy in our country. We harbor no illusions that this statement will undo the damage done on January 6, or that it alone can begin to heal us. But, in this unprecedented moment we find it necessary to unequivocally state our values and beliefs, and reaffirm that democracy always chooses dialogue and respect over violence and threats.


To become a signatory to this statement, click the button below. All signatures are made in the signer’s personal capacity, and not on behalf of any employer.


Julie Samuels

Sarah Brown

Brian O'Kelley

Patrick McCarthy

Liz Wessel

Jackie Kahn

Jimmy Chen

Nicholas Merriam

Erin Masatsugu

Josh Mendelsohn

Honore Stainken

Will Chabot

Michael Simon

Liz Simon

Laura Braswell

Aaron Block

Victoria McCullough

Eric Rothman

Maria Yuan

Cerelle Centeno

Banu Guler

Mike Phillips

Bronwyn Spira

Chaitenya Razdan

phillip torrone

Limor Fried

Pratiksha Patel

Ross Wilson

Laurie Barlev

Iurij Cussianovich

Jessie Lazarus

James Ossman

Renata McGriff

Michael Chow

Matt Law

Tim Dybvig

Ron Conway

Aaron Price


Zak Schwarzman

Caroline Higgins

Andrew Raff

Scott Evans

Anil Dash

Elizabeth Federowicz

James Rosen

Patricia Clay

Zachary Aarons

Maureen Waters

Shivali Singh

Andrea Aranguren

Mark Lieberman

Nicolas Dupont

Michael Pryor

Adam Binford

Serkan Piantino

Fannie Chen

Mike Freyberger

Alexander Nakhla

Lauren Santo Domingo

Ushir Shah


Dan Guido

Yannis moati

Daniel Ramot

Maria molland

Daniel J Magan

Sean Arian

Vanessa Liu

Lee-on Pedahzur

Mike Steib

Tasso Argyros

David Pierce

Ursula Lopez-Palm

Haneiro Perez

Sarah Wicker

Lucy Boswell

Paul Berberian

Stacy Larkin

Jeremy Hall

Steven Rosenblatt

Susan Riskin

Sara Barek

John Favorite

Glenn Handler

Diana Taykhman

Edouard Servan-Schreiber

Toby Milstein

Vinamrata Singal

Larissa Kirkwood

Jillian Racoosin

Joshua Rahn

Jennifer Silber

Mario Schlosser

Stephen Johnston

Guillaume Marois

Philip etlint

Steve McColl

Peggy Wang

Jacob Yashar

Nathan Fox

Sophia Dong

Mikayla McGrath

Erika Jones-Clary

Alex Moore

Emily Forrest

Patrick Conway

Jeff Kaiser

Alexandra Fierens

Katie Stinebruner

Tristan Louis

Evan Renaud

Chris Nguyen

Gaby Gerstman

Rachel Mai

Erin Doherty

Leonie Stevens

Olivia Owens

Nathan Richardson

Garrett Brinker

Stephen Kendall

Eric Gardiner

Ryan Greene

CJ Frogozo

Jaime McWilliams

Avishai Shoham

Prasoon Goel

Andrew Ehrenberg

Jason Starr

Jason Tilly

David Perlmutter

Sam Kessler

Erin H Abrams

John Downs

Jonathan Raggett

Nate Cleveland

Andrew Snyder

Andy Ambrosius

Olivia Blahut


Mackenzie Regent

Amanda Pogue

Gabrielle McCaig

Ayana Free

Alyssa Nasca

Cody Grosser

Luanda Arai

Jessica Aujero

Caroline Hawkins

James C Murray

Saar Golde

Shan-Lyn Ma

Elena Miles

Joshua Goldman

Kade Clark

Kemy Lin

Gabrielle Zandi

Nobu Nakaguchi

Felix Lung

Adam Toris

Uma Moiseenko

Henry Myers

Ryan Naples

Emily Ellison

Melissa Trentadue

Alejandro Facundo


Damon Graham

Kelsey Nusbaum

Andrei Greenawalt

Peter Coyle

Suketu Patel

Amorette Henry

Jennifer Leung

Kayla Graves

Annette Fung

Rebecca Price

Madelyn Flinn

Denise Bass

Alisa Galushko

Shivanie Barapatre

Harry Ledley

John Paige

Kelly Lipovich

Timothy Murphy

Kenia Ozoria

Evyatar Segal

Dev Ittycheria

Annabelle Galef

Annastasia Jewett

Eliana Teran

Charlie O'Donnell

Katherine Kalm

Jamie Hurewitz

Beth Sylves

Lauren Hamacher

Alexander Mae

Anna Holcombe

Nitay Joffe

Vignesh Ganapathy

Brett Greene

Fred Hennige

Olivia Baker

Steve Lim

Nisha Dua

Andrew Lawson

Ilyssa Meyer

Mark Frischmuth

Jacqueline McGraw

Brian E. Langston

Omar Sarr

Truly Johnson

Jim Day

Stephanie Wortel-London

Julia Reis

Rachel Horowitz

Justin Riservato

Connie Cyran

Alexandra Bonesho

Jeanne Casey

Arielle Rawding

Susan Lyne

Tami Forman

Annie McClorey

Nicole Padilla

Tyler S. Bugg

Bryan Lozano

Christine Winston

Konstantine Vrazhilov

Matt Glazer

John Baran


UPDATED: Time / Date


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